Just wanted to give you a little idea of what happened on the 21st/22nd of January! I take mom to the doctor for just a regular appt. and for an ultrasound. We arrived at the hospital at 1:45 p.m. on the 21st. They had been concerned that the baby was breeched the day before and wanted to just make sure one way or the other. Once they checked her and indeed confirmed she was defiantly breeched, they were trying to figure out to either go and ahead and induce or try a c-section or what. The ultrasound tech. brought in the doctor and he thought he could try to flip the baby. He DID!!! It was the most amazing thing to watch. You could actually see the baby go into the normal position he should be in. Once that was done...the doc said you can't lie down in anyway or he will go back and you are 3cmm already and they decided to induce right away. And on a side note here...this was not at all planned...no one was packed, Dad was at work, the car seat was still in the box...and so on. But they went ahead and started the whole process. It was really cool to be there and helping out and being her support person. Now it's about 4:30 at this point.

We get into the room and she started on her potocin. Dad gets there about 6:00 pm. and Dad's Mom and Dad show up at around 7:00pm. Mom's hoping things will start to progress fast and we'll have a baby by 10:00 pm. Well...things didn't go quite as fast and I think by that time she was around 5 cmm and they gave her the epideral. 10:00 passed as did 11:00. Contractions are coming a little closer now and she can fell them a little more too.

The nurse checks her at about 12:00am. and says she is at about 9 cmm and the cervix was just about thru and if she pushed she would be almost done. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do at this point so I just stayed next to Mom and told her when her next contraction was coming. The nurse was holding her leg and called the doc in and said if he didn't hurry, he'd miss it! I didn't know if I should stay in the room or leave so I asked if Mom wanted me behind the curtain and she said I could just stand behind the bed. Ok...no problem I can do that...haha...the next second the nurse is like, "Can you hold this leg for me?" So, that's what I did and I couldn't really leave after that. I didn't know what to look at...didn't want to look Mom in her face...it had pain written all over it...she'd make me cry...so I just looked at the screen and again just told her when the next contractions were coming. When all of a sudden the nurse was like, "Wow, look at all that hair!" and I look down and his head is coming out. He just about flew out of there! Mom said she really didn't even push. It was the easiest one so far!

It was the most awesome thing to witness and was so wonderful to see him so soon. I'm normally at home babysitting! I sorta just watched over him while the nurse checked him out and Dad watched over Mom. I felt so much love for him and after just meeting him for a couple minutes, was head over heels.