Hi Everyone!!! I arrived in Texas at around 2:30p.m. on Tuesday. The first plane ride was a little bumpy and if it had lasted any longer than it did, I think I would have needed a bag....But, I did get something to take before I got on the next plane so that one was good. But the only thing was, I was between two guys. The one on my left snored the whole time and the one on my right, I think wanted to sleep in my lap. That ride lasted for 2 1/2 hours and I didn't have anything to do because I forgot to bring something. I couldn't really sleep because I had my hair up, which brings me to another story. When I got my bags checked in, I had to walk through the metal detector. And it went off the first time I went through because I had my cell phone in my pocket. So I take it out and I walk through again. It still goes off so they call for someone to came pat me down! This woman comes and puts gloves on and gets a handheld metal detector. She starts at the back of my head and it goes off. My bobby pins were setting it off!!! So, I had to stand there and get patted down from my head to my feet, all because I had bobby pins in my hair! Well, I guess it makes for a good story. :)
Well, I have been here for two days and am having a great time. Although, most of the Turack children have the flu, I am doing well. We hope they are all feeling better by the wedding! Tomorrow night is the wedding shower and tomorrow afternoon, the Maxson girls, Bethany, Angie, and I are going to the church to make the food for it. I know we will have a blast. Last night at church, us girls laughed all night and had a great time. I can't wait for tomorrow!!!
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Monday, March 26, 2007
I am sitting here at the computer waiting...waiting...waiting. I'm not tired. Couldn't sleep if I wanted to. Trying to remember if I packed everything I needed. I am SO nervous. Daddy took tomorrow off from work. Thank goodness! At least he will be in charge till I get on the plane! But I'm on my own after that. :) I can't believe that I'm actually leaving tomorrow. It doesn't seem real yet... But, if by some chance I can't post till I get back, I'll see y'all in April!!!
I leave tomorrow morning to fly down to Texas for two weeks. Bethany Turack is getting married and I'll be going down there to see it. I'll be there a week before the wedding to spend some time with the family. I hope to have a great time and not get too homesick! :)
Saturday, March 24, 2007
The Baby Shower
Today was the day of the baby shower. Momma, Jordyn, Adam and I went. This is Mrs. Nikki Drye, the lady whom the baby shower was for. She is such a fun lady and her and her husband are the family I go with to the nursing home. Here are pictures of the guests and of one of our games. It was such a fun day!!!

Thursday, March 22, 2007
Today at the farm...
Today was very dark and rainy. We had to light quite a few oil lamps so we could see. Matt worked with the farmer and Stephen and Jordyn was with me in the house. I finished the blouse that I'm working on except for the buttons. It has turned out better than I thought it would. It is all done on the treadle machine and hand-sewn. All I need to do now is make a skirt to go with it. One of the ladies that work there, bought me a quilting stitch 'bible' for my birthday. It's a little early, but I'll be able to work on some of the stitches on the plane. I also bought the fabric for a 'double wedding ring' quilt that I got an order for last week. It will be a double size and pastel colors.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
A Baby Quilt
First Day of Spring!
We always decorate according to the season. We use snowmen for the winter months and scarecrows for fall. For spring, we use flowers and birdhouses. I love to change the decorations and put up the different stuff.
The sign on the front porch
Our family photo on the mantel
I bought this picture to put in my hope chest, but it was too big... :) So Mom said I could put it up! I love the little boy and the fact they are out in the flower garden.

The sign on the front porch

Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Another Quilt
One week from today....
This time next week I will be on a plane headed to Texas for my friend Bethany Turack's wedding. I am a little nervous, since I have never been on a plane before and I'll be away from my family for two whole weeks! Lord willing, I'll do fine and have a wonderful time!!! I promise to take lots of pictures and post them on here when I get back.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Sorry to inform you....
The little lamb that Jaycob and I took care of for one night, did not make it thru the next night. It refused to eat and when forced to, it would let the milk sit in its mouth and fall out the side of its mouth. I am not sure why this happened. Another lamb didn't make it when it got trampled by the bigger sheep. And it was a perfectly, healthy lamb. These things just happen. This is what the farmer told me when I took Littlebit. What he mainly said was, if he doesn't make it thru the night, don't feel bad. It just wasn't meant to be.
Family Pics
Driving Lessons
We went to the farm on Friday to give the quilt that I had made to Mrs. Marple. I had started on Wednesday, driving 'Jack', our mule. So, Lee (our part-time farmer) let me drive again. It is SO much fun!!! I have learned just a few commands, but it's enough to make me feel important!
Here Lee and Matthew are attaching the buggy to 'Jack'
Getting ready to go out!
On our way...

Here Lee and Matthew are attaching the buggy to 'Jack'

I was at the farm when the farmers discovered a baby lamb away from its mother. It had gotten stuck and was very cold and weak. I brought it home, and Jaycob and I slept in the living room next to an electric heater to keep it warm and to feed it a bottle whenever it woke up. It is an experience I will never forget!
It followed Adam around for awhile and came in the kitchen and was getting into the grocery bags. That's me on the left in the dress and apron I wear to the farm.
I put a diaper on it so that I wouldn't need to worry about cleaning up messes!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007
A Day at Carriage Hill
Matt, Dayvid and I arrived at the farm a little before 8:30a.m. Matt, the farmer (Jim), and our part-time farmer (Lee) left and started the work they were going to do today. Dayvid and I walked around enjoying the pleasant day. After our walk, I sewed the binding on a quilt and made Dayvid lunch. Around 1:00p.m., Lee took Dayvid and I out on a ride on the buggy. I also got a turn at driving 'Jack' (our mule). It was SO much fun!!!! I can't wait to do it again. Hopefully one of these days I'll get to ride one of the horses. Two of our sheep had twins and I found out that our pig ended up having 12 babies but only 4 made it. :( But so far, she is doing really well these 4 little ones. They have already doubled in size. Before long they will be really big. I love the farm! It is an awesome place and I enjoy everyday I spend there. If you are ever up our way, you need to stop at the farm!
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Monday, March 12, 2007
A Busy Day.....
Toady was a very busy day. I quilted a quilt Mom and I made this weekend. It is for a friend at the farm that is leaving. When it is finished, I'll post a picture of it. Other than that, cleaning, sewing and cooking was on my list of 'to does'. It was very nice outside, so when the boys were finished with their school, they played outside. Tomorrow is promising to be another beautiful day, so I am planning on hanging out laundry!
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Bryn, Wyatt, and Aria
Last night I babysat for a family at our church. It was SO much fun. The kids were awesome and did great. Little Aria is such a sweetie! Bryn was a great help with anything I needed to find or help clean up. Wyatt is such a cute little boy! I love his laugh! He is so happy and likes to cuddle. I enjoyed my night very much!
Wyatt, Bryn, Miranda, and Aria

Thursday, March 8, 2007
A Fun Day At Carriage Hill
We had an awesome day at the farm. Stephen and I made cookies and chocolate frosting, did the dishes on the wood burning stove,and sewed (Stephen did a sewing card, and I worked on a blouse). Matthew was outside most of the day messing with the horses. He actually sat bareback on Dempsey (and older post has a picture of our horses). I worked a little bit on a blanket I am crocheting. To top off the day, our momma pig started giving birth. When we left, she had given birth to one and more were on the way. Hopefully I will get some pictures tomorrow to show y'all.
Mrs. Toy is making fried potatoes and onions. Stephen is drying the dishes.

Mrs. Toy is making fried potatoes and onions. Stephen is drying the dishes.

Giving Kisses
Boys Will Be Boys
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Our 'Thank You Dad Dinner'
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